(Un)successful alcohol ads
22.02.2022 | Pen&Production

In the UK it is "dry January", in the Czech Republic and Slovakia "dry February". Both are campaigns that encourage people to abstain for a month and become aware of their relationship with alcohol.

And because we like to go against the tide, we have prepared a Bystro full of alcohol for you.

Step 1: Code of Ethics

Are you planning an alcohol commercial? Before you go ahead, read the code of ethics. There are a few rules to follow when advertising alcohol, which you can find listed here. However, it doesn't always work, one such failed stunt is Berentzen's fernet ad. Sagvan Tofi played the lead role and the whole campaign was titled "friend in the rain". The spot, filmed in 2007, was eventually taken up by both the Advertising Council and the Broadcasting Council. In case you're wondering, both bodies agreed that alcohol does not banish depression, or at least should not be claimed publicly. And the result? A fine of 100,000 and the withdrawal of the ad.

Influencers and alcohol promotion

Following the rules in influencer marketing has its pitfalls and not every influencer manages to sail through them without losing a flower. Especially when alcohol or tobacco products (i.e. drugs) are involved. Apart from the need to label the ad itself, as with any other product, there are a few other rules to follow. Indicate that it is an alcohol promotion, point out that the post is intended for people over the age of 18, and of course follow the rules of the law. None of these rules were followed by Andrea Veresova, a model and also a law graduate from Pilsen, who promoted tequila in 2019. Although she deleted the post after a wave of criticism, it will probably never disappear from the internet and we can still see how not to do it years later. #hubnemesAndreou

Masters of advertising: breweries

What do beer drinkers like besides beer? Beer commercials. It was hard to pick the best ones. Of Czech beers, the legendary Budweiser commercials are certainly worth mentioning, and you won't see them on TV anymore, but you can recall them at this link. Belgian brewery Stella Artois presented a slightly different treatment, using famous faces and their roles. Want to see Carrie Bradshaw in an extravagant outfit enjoying one "on tap"? Click here. Finally, here's one successful piece from 2014. A Carlsberg beer commercial that will not only entertain you, but also make you think about our behaviour. Admit it, would you stand up to this harsh test or would you fall for human shallowness?

"Cheers" even without alcohol?

We'll stick to beer. Heineken deserves its own space here. Check out these legendary spots based on the differences between men and women. But Heineken is proof that a company that makes its money primarily from selling alcohol can also come up with a campaign for teetotalers. Last month, when "Dry January" was running in the UK, they came out with a new ad for non-alcoholic beer. The principle of the campaign is that you can join the company even if you don't drink. The spot, "Cheers with no alcohol. Now you can" takes you through the sad history of teetotaler "segregation".

Tell it with a story

Storytelling is a very popular type of advertising for both small and large brands, which is very easy to get attention with. Ads that tell a story are easy to remember. Of course, there are many ways to do this. One of them, for example, is historical storytelling. Pilsner Urquell took an amazing approach, linking its product to the rescue of the Kladruby horse breed in 2010. The Johnnie Walker: The Man Who Walked Around The World spot is certainly a phenomenon of historical storytelling. In this case, you have to give credit not only to the filmmakers, but also to Robert Carlyle, the actor who tells the entire history of the brand in an uninterrupted five-minute take.



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