Just as the schools opened after the holidays, our Bystro is also reporting its return after two months. Coming up with a theme wasn't that hard, just take a look around you, whether you're in an internet environment or just taking a walk in the park. The looming local election date must have registered with just about everyone, and just like before any other election, the outside is teeming with bizarro. Make yourself a good cup of coffee and come check it out with us!
We would like to point out that the following content is criticized only from a marketing perspective, not from a policy perspective. We do not presume to do so.
Believe don't believe
To live in the Czech Republic and not know the slogan "Yes. It will be better." "It was better under Babiš" and that "it will be better under many other people" is unrealistic. Whoever has money has intensive campaigns, lots of billboards or even headlines in newspapers - in their own of course. To advertise in your own media and still question them about it, what is this step supposed to mean? There are many questions, for example, why did only Mladá fronta, Lidové noviny and Právo advertise the headline? Why didn't Blesk and Deník accept the ad? And why didn't Hospodarske noviny accept it? But these are political questions, we are here to answer marketing ones and we can't really answer them either.
If you don't know how, put Putin in.
Driving around the Prague Ring Road has never been more fun. Kor, with Babiš and Putin staring at you through the windscreen together. But as you can see, this campaign was not commissioned by any movement, but by the electoral coalition SPOLU. Here at P&P media we always recommend to highlight your own qualities, to map the competition and to know about it. But definitely don't base your campaigns on it, ideally don't compare your competition to one of the most hated people and certainly don't put it on the most trafficked 5×2 meter spot in the country. The combination of black and red and the expressions of the two men in the result looks like an invitation to hell. All that's missing are red eyes and devil horns. Bravo to subtle creativity.
Measure three times, cut once
A rule that should be practiced especially in grammar. Let's take you to "Silesian" Ostrava. Just typing this, autocorrect underlines the word in red and suggests we edit it to "Silesian". Unfortunately, this nifty modern feature was missed by the coalition of ČSSD and Lečo when they deployed all the billboards with this "mistake". The daily newspaper was responded to the whole affair by Mr. Ing. Tomáš Petřík, whose name looms directly over Slezka Ostrava. The mistake was allegedly made in the graphic studio, but he said he would never have allowed it, because he is a grammar nut. This leads to a clear recommendation: there should always be a check between the graphics studio and the printer. Ideally by someone who is trained in grammar and whose name is on the billboard.
Stick to what's popular
We will remain in Ostrava and, unfortunately, we will also remain with the ČSSD. Only this time we will look at a slightly more combative campaign that used the current popularity of the combat sport MMA for its success. On one billboard they pitted two "fighters" against each other, as is customary. The current mayor of Ostrava, Tomáš Macura, who is supposedly a "spokesman", and against him Petr Kajnar, the visionary and leader of the party. In the end, the duel was only verbal. Tomáš Macura was logically affected by the campaign and stopped respecting his opponent. And what did the challenger say? He was on holiday at the time of the campaign and knew nothing about it. Maybe that's the disadvantage of visionaries, they don't know what's happening here and now.
Lunch in Domažlice
Directly behind the candidate Kája, who will welcome you not only with lunch, but also with a kind word. The ambitious operator has decided to impress at first sight. She bet on a poem and definitely managed to get attention not only in Domažlice but all over the country. If, like us, you are wondering what the vice-mayoral candidate was trying to say with her poem, we have attached a sequel from the next wave of the campaign. Fingers crossed there "hu you".